In layman terms,
When interiors are designed for retail spaces, integrating the brand’s narrative is known as Retail Interior Design. They are meant for a purpose and the reason both at the same time. The reason is well understood for boosting sales and brand visibility, and the purpose is of providing a retail experience ‘better than ever to the consumers.
Many times, the competition ins the industry makes
these brands spend millions of bucks on their retail stores in order to provide experience exceptional than their
competitor. The best experience just comes from the “life” itself and when a
brand jolts both of them and provides an Experiential
Lifestyle, that moment it starts creating history.
From the word ‘history’ we can recall the main objective of this series, the futuristic approach, but for the future, we have
to know the literal roots of our subject ‘retail interior design’. Yes, I’m talking about Agora, Forum, Bazaar, and
Labyrinthine Souk, what Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Berbers did centuries ago,
we can witness the shoppability to the same ‘extent’.
People will
shop, no matter what. Either by going physically to the stores or digitally
(nowadays). Dating back to the 1800s when the first departmental stores were
opened in England, following the American Departmental Stores in massive malls,
post-WWII. Also, what we see now as direct marketing through the internet, has
its roots in 1872, when Montgomery Ward hit the post offices with its first
mail-order catalog.
The times have changed and so the designs, and now the
emotional engagement in a dimensional way is very important to make the
consumer ‘stay stuck’. For the same, the best interior design company is searched and hired. The approach
nowadays has drifted more towards experience. (yes we discussed it before), the designers are inculcating Italian Interior Design, Japanese Interior Design, Modern Interior Design, Contemporary Interior Design in the retail stores. Now we can smell some futuristic ideas.
The current tough times are for every industry (except
pharma) but that doesn’t define the future, though it will be totally
‘new-normalized’ people will shop and stroll. We had to accept that in future
times, technology will only be the juggernaut in experiential retail. The
retainment of the retail by inducting them in the retail stores are:
● Screens and Innovative
● Private Lounges and Digital
● Beacon Technology
● Smart Shelves
● Virtual Reality
The class-ism will be maintained by brands, but some
will be in capturing the market through retailing in different classes. Though
employment in the interior design
industry will see a downward surge, the industry itself will witness a boom.
The visions are slightly blurry but the future is still………………...loading
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